Elevate Your Understanding of International Curriculums and Their Impact

Education for a Global World

Research consistently demonstrates the multifaceted benefits of studying abroad. Studies reveal that students who participate in international programs often exhibit improved academic performance without prolonging their time to graduation, attributed to the diverse academic experiences and global perspectives gained. Moreover, employers highly value the skills cultivated through study abroad experiences, including adaptability and problem-solving, making students more competitive in the job market. Additionally, immersion in a foreign language environment significantly enhances language proficiency, providing students with practical language skills crucial for today’s global workforce. Lastly, the exposure to different cultures fosters intercultural understanding and a broader global context, equipping students with invaluable insights for navigating an increasingly interconnected world.

Key Takeaways

  • International curriculum programs foster global competency development and cultural awareness.
  • Studying abroad improves academic performance and boosts employability through cultivated skills.
  • Immersion in foreign language environments enhances proficiency for the global workforce.
  • Exposure to diverse cultures broadens students’ worldviews and intercultural understanding.
  • International exchange opportunities provide invaluable insights for navigating an interconnected world.

The Rising Importance of Global Competence

Twenty-first century students live in an interconnected, diverse and rapidly changing world. Emerging economic, digital, cultural, demographic and environmental forces are shaping young people’s lives around the planet, and increasing their intercultural encounters on a daily basis. This complex environment presents both an opportunity and a challenge. Young people today must not only learn to participate in a more interconnected world but also appreciate and benefit from cultural differences.

Developing a global and intercultural outlook is a lifelong process that education can shape. Global competence is a multidimensional capacity. Globally competent individuals can examine local, global and intercultural issues, understand and appreciate different perspectives and world views, interact successfully and respectfully with others, and take responsible action toward sustainability and collective well-being.

Promoting Cultural Awareness and Respectful Interactions

Schools play a crucial role in helping young people to develop global competence. They can provide opportunities for young people to critically examine global developments that are significant to both the world at large and to their own lives. Schools can encourage intercultural sensitivity and respect by allowing students to engage in experiences that foster an appreciation for diverse peoples, languages and cultures.

Enhancing Employability in a Changing Job Market

Educating for global competence can boost employability, as effective communication and appropriate behavior within diverse teams are keys to success in many jobs. Over the past two decades, radical transformations in digital technologies have shaped young people’s outlook on the world, their interactions with others and their perception of themselves.

Supporting Responsible Digital Citizenship

Cultivating students’ global competence can help them to capitalize on digital spaces, better understand the world they live in and responsibly express their voice online. By teaching students how to critically, effectively and responsibly use digital information and social media platforms, schools can support the development of responsible digital citizenship.

Education for a Global World

In 2015, 193 countries committed to achieving the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a shared vision of humanity that provides the missing piece of the globalisation puzzle. The extent to which that vision becomes a reality will depend on today’s classrooms; and it is educators who hold the key to ensuring that the SDGs become a real social contract with citizens. Goal 4, which commits to quality education for all, is intentionally not limited to foundation knowledge and skills such as literacy, mathematics and science, but places strong emphasis on learning to live together sustainably.

But such goals are only meaningful if they become visible. This has inspired the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the global yardstick for educational success, to include global competence in its metrics for quality, equity and effectiveness in education. PISA will assess global competence for the first time ever in 2018.

Key Competencies for Global Citizens Description
Examining Local and Global Issues Ability to critically analyze local, global and intercultural issues, trends and events
Appreciating Diverse Perspectives and Worldviews Understanding and respecting different perspectives, cultures, and backgrounds
Engaging in Intercultural Communication Effectively and respectfully interacting with people from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds
Taking Action for Sustainability and Well-Being Demonstrating responsibility and taking action towards a more sustainable and equitable world

By providing opportunities for young people to critically examine global developments, fostering intercultural sensitivity and respect, and enhancing their ability to understand their place in the community and the world, schools play a crucial role in developing the key competencies needed for global citizens to thrive in an interconnected world.

global education

Developing Key Competencies for Global Citizens

In our increasingly interconnected world, the cultivation of global competence has become paramount. Globally competent individuals possess the ability to examine local, global and intercultural issues, understand and appreciate diverse perspectives and worldviews, engage in respectful intercultural communication, and take responsible action toward sustainability and collective well-being. As educational institutions, we have a vital role to play in nurturing these critical skills and mindsets among the next generation of global citizens.

Examining Local and Global Issues

By providing opportunities for young people to critically examine global developments that are significant to both the world at large and to their own lives, we can empower them to better understand their place in the community and the world. This deeper understanding of local and global interconnections equips students with the knowledge and analytical skills needed to make informed judgments and take meaningful action.

Appreciating Diverse Perspectives and Worldviews

Fostering intercultural sensitivity and respect is a crucial aspect of global competence development. We can encourage students to engage in experiences that foster an appreciation for diverse peoples, languages and cultures, cultivating the empathy and open-mindedness necessary to navigate an increasingly diverse and pluralistic society.

Engaging in Intercultural Communication

Effective and respectful intercultural communication is a core component of global competence. Schools can create opportunities for students to practice interacting with individuals from diverse backgrounds, developing the interpersonal skills and cultural awareness needed to collaborate successfully in our interconnected world.

Taking Action for Sustainability and Well-Being

Globally competent individuals understand the importance of taking responsible action toward sustainability and collective well-being. We have a responsibility to empower students to become active, engaged global citizens who are committed to addressing the social, environmental and economic challenges facing our world.

The Role of Schools in Fostering Global Competence

As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, the role of schools in developing global competence has never been more crucial. At the forefront of shaping young minds, educational institutions hold the key to empowering the next generation of global citizens who can navigate the complexities of our multicultural, digitally-driven world.

Providing Opportunities for Critical Examination

Schools can play a pivotal role in fostering global competence by providing opportunities for students to critically examine local, global, and intercultural issues. By encouraging young people to explore the world beyond their immediate surroundings, we can cultivate a deeper understanding of the diverse perspectives and worldviews that shape our interconnected planet. This critical examination encourages students to challenge assumptions, question stereotypes, and develop a nuanced appreciation for the richness of global diversity.

Teaching Responsible Use of Digital Media

In an age where digital technologies have become ubiquitous, schools have a unique responsibility to equip students with the skills and mindset to navigate these ever-evolving platforms effectively and responsibly. By teaching students how to critically consume and responsibly engage with digital information and social media, we can empower them to become informed, discerning, and socially conscious global citizens. This, in turn, fosters the development of intercultural communication skills and a heightened awareness of the impact our digital footprint can have on local and global communities.

global competence

Preparing Students for an Interconnected World

In the aftermath of World War I, the Institute of International Education (IIE) first began its work by organizing student exchanges with several European governments as well as faculty and teacher exchanges. Over the past 90 years, IIE has opened additional offices throughout the United States and Latin America to serve this region. IIE delivers programs and works with global universities in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, reaching over 7,000 students, scholars, and professionals. IIE has had a presence in Sub-Saharan Africa that spans over 30 years, and implements a range of programs to build leadership capacity and expand access to higher education in the region.

Working closely with businesses, governments, and non-governmental organizations in the South and Central Asia region, IIE has developed and implemented a strong set of activities in higher education scholarship administration, leadership development, and critical development fields, including energy. IIE’s first-hand knowledge of local educational communities as well as decades of experience working with people from all backgrounds and cultures in East Asia and the Pacific have enabled us to cultivate a broad network of relationships among government, non-profit, and academic sectors.

International Exchange Programs and Their Impact

The Institute of International Education (IIE) has been managing international education exchange programs in the Western Hemisphere since its earliest days of operation. As a result of IIE’s partnerships with corporations, international governments, ministries, foundations, and the U.S. government, thousands of students, scholars, and professionals from around the world have gained access to the world’s leading higher education and training programs. IIE’s programs and partnerships have enabled

student exchanges


faculty and teacher exchanges

, and the development of

regional programs and partnerships

across various global regions.

Our student exchange programs have consistently demonstrated the benefits of studying abroad, with research revealing that participants often exhibit improved academic performance without prolonging their time to graduation. This is attributed to the diverse academic experiences and global perspectives gained through immersion in a new cultural and educational environment. Furthermore, employers highly value the adaptability, problem-solving skills, and intercultural communication abilities cultivated through these exchange opportunities, making students more competitive in the global job market.

In addition to student exchanges, IIE has facilitated faculty and teacher exchanges that enhance cross-cultural learning and the integration of international curriculum. By providing educators with opportunities to engage in professional development and collaborative teaching experiences across borders, we help strengthen their ability to foster global citizenship education, multicultural education, and the teaching of world languages and cultural studies.

Our regional programs and partnerships have enabled the expansion of international exchange opportunities and the development of global competency development initiatives tailored to the unique needs and contexts of different parts of the world. From the Middle East and North Africa to Sub-Saharan Africa, South and Central Asia, and East Asia and the Pacific, IIE’s global network and deep understanding of local educational communities have been instrumental in cultivating meaningful cross-cultural learning and international studies programs.

Integrating Global Perspectives in Curriculum Design

Educating for global competence can help form new generations who care about world issues and engage in tackling social, political, economic and environmental challenges. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes the crucial role of education in reaching sustainability goals, calling on all countries “to ensure, by 2030, that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence.”

Multicultural Education

Integrating global perspectives in curriculum design can involve elements of multicultural education, which aims to foster cross-cultural learning, appreciation for diversity, and respectful interactions in increasingly diverse societies. By exposing students to diverse cultures, languages, and worldviews, multicultural education prepares them to navigate an interconnected world with empathy and intercultural communication skills.

World Languages and Cultural Studies

Another key component of integrating global perspectives is the incorporation of world languages and cultural studies. Proficiency in multiple languages, paired with an in-depth understanding of various cultural traditions and histories, equips students with the linguistic and cultural competencies needed to thrive in an era of globalization. This facilitates international exchange opportunities and foreign language acquisition, further enhancing students’ global competency development.

International Studies and Global Issues

Curriculum design should also prioritize the inclusion of international studies and global issues, enabling students to critically examine the interconnected world they inhabit. By exploring topics such as human rights, environmental sustainability, and international relations, students gain a deeper grasp of the complex challenges facing humanity, and develop the knowledge and skills to engage in responsible and informed decision-making as global citizens.

global perspectives in curriculum

Challenges and Opportunities in Implementation

While education cannot bear the sole responsibility for ending racism and discrimination, it can teach young people the importance of challenging cultural biases and stereotypes. Educating for global competence can boost employability, as effective communication and appropriate behavior within diverse teams are keys to success in many jobs. Over the past two decades, radical transformations in digital technologies have shaped young people’s outlook on the world, their interactions with others and their perception of themselves. Cultivating students’ global competence can help them to capitalize on digital spaces, better understand the world they live in and responsibly express their voice online.

Teacher Training and Professional Development

Implementing global competence education can present challenges related to teacher training and professional development. Educators must be equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills and resources to effectively integrate global perspectives and foster intercultural understanding in their classrooms. Ongoing professional development opportunities can help teachers stay abreast of emerging trends and best practices in international curriculum design and global citizenship education.

Funding and Resource Allocation

Adequate funding and resource allocation are crucial for the successful implementation of global competence initiatives. Schools and districts must prioritize investments in multicultural education, world languages and international studies programs, as well as study abroad programs and other experiential learning opportunities that foster intercultural communication skills and global competency development.

Equity and Access Considerations

Ensuring equity and access in global competence education is crucial to avoid exacerbating existing disparities. Schools must strive to provide equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background, to engage in international exchange opportunities and globalization in education initiatives. Targeted efforts to address barriers to participation, such as financial constraints or language proficiency, can help ensure that the benefits of a global perspectives in curriculum reach a diverse student population.

global competency development

Measuring the Impact of International Curriculums

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the need to assess students’ global competence has never been more crucial. The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has recognized this imperative and has included global competence in its metrics for quality, equity and effectiveness in education. PISA will assess global competence for the first time ever in 2018, providing a comprehensive framework to measure students’ ability to navigate the complexities of our globalized world.

Assessment Frameworks and Metrics

The PISA global competence assessment framework provides the conceptual underpinning for evaluating students’ preparedness for an interconnected, diverse and rapidly changing world. This framework aims to measure students’ capacity to examine local, global and intercultural issues, understand and appreciate different perspectives and world views, interact successfully and respectfully with others, and take responsible action toward sustainability and collective well-being.

PISA Global Competence Assessment

The PISA global competence assessment will serve as a valuable tool for education systems to gauge the impact of international curriculums and programs on student outcomes. By evaluating students’ knowledge, skills, attitudes and values related to global competence, the assessment will provide insights into the effectiveness of educational approaches designed to cultivate the essential competencies needed for young people to thrive in an increasingly globalized world.

global competence assessment


Educating for global competence can promote cultural awareness and respectful interactions in increasingly diverse societies, boost employability in a changing job market, and help students use media platforms effectively and responsibly. By providing opportunities for young people to critically examine global developments, fostering intercultural sensitivity and respect, and enhancing their ability to understand their place in the community and the world, schools play a crucial role in developing the key competencies needed for global citizens to thrive in an interconnected world.

Through international exchange programs, the integration of global perspectives in curriculum design, and the measurement of impact through assessment frameworks, education systems can continue to elevate students’ understanding and readiness for the challenges and opportunities of a global world. As we strive to nurture a generation of globally competent individuals, we must empower them to examine local and global issues, appreciate diverse perspectives, engage in respectful intercultural communication, and take responsible action toward sustainability and collective well-being.

By embedding global competence throughout the educational experience, we can equip students with the knowledge, skills and mindset necessary to navigate an increasingly interconnected and complex world. This holistic approach to education for a global world will not only benefit individual learners, but also contribute to the collective progress and prosperity of our shared global community.


What are the benefits of studying abroad?

Research consistently demonstrates the multifaceted benefits of studying abroad. Studies reveal that students who participate in international programs often exhibit improved academic performance without prolonging their time to graduation, attributed to the diverse academic experiences and global perspectives gained. Moreover, employers highly value the skills cultivated through study abroad experiences, including adaptability and problem-solving, making students more competitive in the job market. Additionally, immersion in a foreign language environment significantly enhances language proficiency, providing students with practical language skills crucial for today’s global workforce. Lastly, the exposure to different cultures fosters intercultural understanding and a broader global context, equipping students with invaluable insights for navigating an increasingly interconnected world.

Why is global competence important for 21st-century students?

Twenty-first century students live in an interconnected, diverse and rapidly changing world. Emerging economic, digital, cultural, demographic and environmental forces are shaping young people’s lives around the planet, and increasing their intercultural encounters on a daily basis. Developing a global and intercultural outlook is a process – a lifelong process – that education can shape. Global competence is a multidimensional capacity that enables individuals to examine local, global and intercultural issues, understand and appreciate different perspectives and world views, interact successfully and respectfully with others, and take responsible action toward sustainability and collective well-being.

How can educating for global competence benefit students?

Educating for global competence can promote cultural awareness and respectful interactions in increasingly diverse societies, boost employability in a changing job market, and help students use media platforms effectively and responsibly. By providing opportunities for young people to critically examine global developments, fostering intercultural sensitivity and respect, and enhancing their ability to understand their place in the community and the world, schools play a crucial role in developing the key competencies needed for global citizens to thrive in an interconnected world.

What are the key competencies for global citizens?

Globally competent individuals can examine local, global and intercultural issues, understand and appreciate different perspectives and world views, interact successfully and respectfully with others, and take responsible action toward sustainability and collective well-being. Schools can provide opportunities for young people to critically examine global developments that are significant to both the world at large and to their own lives. They can encourage intercultural sensitivity and respect by allowing students to engage in experiences that foster an appreciation for diverse peoples, languages and cultures.

What is the role of schools in fostering global competence?

Schools play a crucial role in helping young people to develop global competence. They can provide opportunities for young people to critically examine global developments that are significant to both the world at large and to their own lives. They can teach students how to critically, effectively and responsibly use digital information and social media platforms. Schools can encourage intercultural sensitivity and respect by allowing students to engage in experiences that foster an appreciation for diverse peoples, languages and cultures.

How have international exchange programs impacted global education?

In the aftermath of World War I, the Institute of International Education (IIE) first began its work by organizing student exchanges with several European governments as well as faculty and teacher exchanges. Over the past 90 years, IIE has opened additional offices throughout the United States and Latin America to serve this region. IIE’s programs and partnerships have enabled student exchanges, faculty and teacher exchanges, and the development of regional programs and collaborations across various global regions.

How can global perspectives be integrated into curriculum design?

Integrating global perspectives in curriculum design can involve elements of multicultural education, world languages and cultural studies, and the incorporation of international studies and global issues. This can help form new generations who care about global issues and engage in tackling social, political, economic and environmental challenges.

What are some challenges and opportunities in implementing global competence education?

Implementing global competence education can present challenges related to teacher training and professional development, funding and resource allocation, and ensuring equity and access for all students. However, it also presents opportunities to promote cultural awareness, boost employability, and help students use digital media responsibly.

How is the impact of international curriculums being measured?

The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has included global competence in its metrics for quality, equity and effectiveness in education, and will assess global competence for the first time in 2018. This framework provides the conceptual underpinning for the PISA global competence assessment, which aims to measure students’ ability to examine local, global and intercultural issues, understand and appreciate different perspectives and world views, interact successfully and respectfully with others, and take responsible action toward sustainability and collective well-being.

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